Last week, Ubuntu developers of Canonical fixed over 10 security bugs in Ubuntu 18.04… but, as it turned out, at least two other bugs were introduced. The Ubuntu security team admitted: “USN-3871- 1 fixed Linux kernel vulnerabilities for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Unfortunately this update introduced regressions with the Meta bg option enabled to dock station displays and mount ext4 file systems.” These are not show- stop bugs for most of us, but you would feel different if you were one of the people they hit. Therefore, it is important that you patch the patch sooner rather than later. The patch replaces the 4.15.0- 44.47 linux image with the 4.15.0- 45.48 fixed linux image. In addition to Ubuntu 18.04, this bug may affect Ubuntu variants such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu. They may also pop up on Linux distros such as Mint 19 and Mint 19.1, which are built on Ubuntu 18.04. $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade After the patches have been installed, reboot the system to ensure that all changes are implemented.